Powerful programmable hearing aids on the AUSTAR IA platform with dual microphones
- 32 Channels & Bands
- High power, Super power
- IP68 waterproof, Tinnitus masker
Austar's IA platform provides you with powerful and cost-effective programmable hearing aids, popular BTE and ITE hearing aid types, especially ultra-high power BTE hearing aids are more popular among users. Suitable for hearing-impaired people with mild to severe hearing loss.
- Description
Introduction to Fugue IA Platform Hearing Aids:
Wireless fitting including inside wireless fitting and external wireless ftting types. Audiologist can put wireless ftting transmitter at void place with USB program cable, that can keep wireless fitting process more stable and high rate without computer host, router and other wireless instruments interfere.
Wireless fitting instruments display:
Features of Fugue IA platform hearing aids:
For more technical specifications of BTE and ITE hearing aids, please contact us for a product brochure.
Our main target users:
1. Hearing aid distributors, Hearing Clinics and Private Label Owners, etc.
2. Hearing impaired, suitable for the elderly, adults and children, etc.