Hearing Loss

4 Signs You Have Tinnitus


Over 50 million people in the US suffer from tinnitus. It’s such a common condition and is caused by a plethora of different things. Most people suffer from tinnitus after being around loud noises for a long period of time - for example, attending a concert or working around loud machinery. However, it can also occur randomly, or be the result of an ear infection.

Tinnitus isn’t a serious medical condition, but it’s well worth seeing an audiologist if you have it. They can diagnose the type of tinnitus you have, and assess whether or not it’s permanent. In this blog post, we will be talking about four telltale signs you have tinnitus. If you spot any of these signs on yourself, then book an appointment with your audiologist today.

There’s a constant ringing in your ears

A major symptom of tinnitus is this persistent ringing sound in your ears. Most people describe this sound as a ringing one, but it can also be more of a whistling or buzzing sound. This can often happen after you’ve been exposed to loud noise, and the important thing to note is that other people can’t hear the same sound. If you’re the only one hearing it, then it’s happening inside your head.

You hear music when none is being played
This is a sign of a specific type of tinnitus often referred to as musical hallucinations. Essentially, you keep hearing little bits of music even though none is being played at all. If you’re watching TV or walking around a mall, then it can be easy to assume you just hear background music. So, check when you’re home alone and have no music playing. If the tunes persist, then it’s a telltale tinnitus sign.

You feel a thumping sound in your ears

Another sign of tinnitus is when there's a constant thumping sound in your ears. It’s almost like the sound of a bass guitar repeating over and over again. You’ll find that the thumping goes along to the same rhythm as your heartbeat as well. This is a sign of pulsatile tinnitus, which is something of a rare breed.

Your hearing has changed
Finally, a change in your hearing ability is another sign of tinnitus. Many people with this condition complain that they can’t hear as well as they used to, or that their ears are overly sensitive - particularly to loud or high-pitched sounds. While tinnitus doesn’t cause hearing loss and isn’t always an indication that you’re losing your hearing, it can still cause temporary issues inside your ears. So, if your hearing feels strange for a week or two, then it’s best to get checked out as you may have tinnitus.

Generally speaking, your symptoms will go away by themselves with time. Some cases of tinnitus last a couple of days, some last a few months. If you’re diagnosed with permanent tinnitus, then your audiologist will set you on a treatment plan to help calm the symptoms and make it less aggravating for you.

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