Hearing Loss

8 Tinnitus Myths: The Truth About Tinnitus

2020-08-13 Because patients exhibit a variety of reactions to tinnitus, multiple myths have emerged about the condition, some of which are not entirely true. Additionally, most patients respond to tinnitus treatments very differently, and some tinnitus may even go away on its own.

Tinnitus has existed for centuries, with some of the oldest records of tinnitus-like symptoms dating back to ancient Egypt. Each generation has researched, analyzed, and experimented with the condition, though currently, no specific cure exists.

Here are a few myths you may have heard about tinnitus that you might want to reassess.

Myth #1: There’s nothing you can do about tinnitus
Tinnitus is a complex condition that can range from a dull buzz to a more severe ringing. At this time, there is no cure for tinnitus, though there are treatment options available that allow you to reduce tinnitus.

For example, listening to white noise, tinnitus sound therapy, tinnitus hearing aids, and even cognitive behavioral therapy can reduce the effects of tinnitus.

Myth #2: Tinnitus means your brain is dying
No, tinnitus in itself does not mean your brain is dying. However, tinnitus is a symptom that many people with brain injuries experience.

One study showed that roughly 76 percent of veterans with a traumatic brain injury also experienced tinnitus. So while tinnitus does not impact your brain, it could be an indicator of some other issue that is affecting your brain.

Myth #3: Tinnitus feels the same every day
Unlike other chronic conditions, tinnitus does not feel the same every day. You’ve probably asked yourself questions like:

Why does tinnitus get louder sometimes?
Why is tinnitus worse some days?
Why is my tinnitus worse at night?

Tinnitus can be irritated by several factors, including diet changes, loud background noises, high-stress levels, and drinking.

Myth #4: Vapor rub can help
While numerous bloggers have recommended vapor rub to reduce tinnitus, there is no scientific evidence backing this claim. Additionally, the manufacturers do not claim that it does this either.
Myth #5: Only people experiencing hearing loss struggle with tinnitus
Roughly 90 percent of people struggling with hearing loss also struggle with tinnitus, though hearing loss is not the only cause of tinnitus.

Brain injuries and whiplash are also common causes of tinnitus, even if the patient never experiences hearing loss.

Myth #6: Tinnitus only affects you physically
This is one of the most tragic myths about tinnitus. While it is a physical condition, it can lead to mental conditions, most notably depression. One study showed that 9 percent of women and 5.5 percent of men suffering from severe tinnitus either committed or attempted suicide.

Even though it's a physical condition, tinnitus can undoubtedly affect your mental health.

Myth #7: Tinnitus is always permanent

For many patients that have recently been diagnosed, their first question is, "Does tinnitus go away?" Thankfully, tinnitus is not always permanent. One study estimates that as few as 25 percent of tinnitus cases are permanent, and in many cases, it will go away on its own without treatment.

Myth #8: Eating a healthy diet will cure tinnitus
While eating a healthy diet will certainly contribute to a higher quality of life, there is no evidence that a healthy diet will cure tinnitus. In fact, there is little research that even suggests a healthy diet correlates with lessened tinnitus symptoms.
Your future
It's difficult to predict how your tinnitus journey will end, but know that there is hope. Advancements in hearing aids for tinnitus as well as behavioral therapies and support groups can help reduce your symptoms. Additionally, there is still a chance that your tinnitus will go away on its own. Reach out to your doctor and learn how you can manage your symptoms.

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