Hearing Loss

Do You Really Need an Annual Hearing Test?

2020-12-09 Regular evaluations should already be part of your health regimen. Even if you feel otherwise hale and hearty, a medical professional may potentially uncover something you'd missed. This applies to your ears just as much as any other part of your body.

You should start with baseline hearing testing once you reach adulthood, every few years or so. Beginning at age 55, you should increase the frequency of your hearing tests and speak to an audiologist annually. By doing this, you can track your hearing over a longer timespan, and spot potential hearing loss indicators before you suffer irreversible damage. 

Hearing Loss Doesn't Just Impact Older Generations
Hearing loss is one of the most common chronic conditions in the United States. According to research gathered by the Hearing Loss Association of America, approximately 48 million Americans have some degree of hearing loss, and only one in five people who would benefit from a hearing aid actually use one. Research from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders further found that approximately one in three people in the United States between the ages of 65 and 74 have hearing loss, and hearing loss further afflicts more than half of people aged 75 and older.

With such statistics, you might assume hearing impairment is a problem only older people need to worry about. Injuries,  infections, and diseases aside, noise-related hearing loss becoming more common amongst the younger generation due to the unsafe use of personal audio devices and exposure to damaging levels of sound at noisy entertainment venues and events. According to the World Health Organization, the number of people aged 12-35 who are at-risk totals approximately 1.1 billion globally. 

The Effects of Untreated Hearing Loss
Without an annual hearing test, hearing loss usually goes undetected until it becomes serious. Unfortunately, many people wait until they start experiencing serious communication problems until they get tested. They may delay for as long as ten years after the initial signs of hearing loss manifest.

This is highly inadvisable, as it can lead to, among other things: 
 * Dementia
 * Depression
 * A downturn in your social life
 * Difficulty understanding concepts at work
 * The inability to hear some of the simpler, more pleasurable sounds in life, such as the crunch of fresh snow, your grandchildren's laughter, or the morning songs of birds
 * Missing the early signs of certain severe conditions such as diabetes or heart disease
In short, hearing loss can damage your social, emotional, and even physical health. The good news is that this isn't inevitable. Taking action promptly and getting your hearing tested right away can help reduce the risk that it'll get that bad. 
Get Your Hearing Tested Now
The earlier you assess your hearing, the easier it is to take action. Hearing evaluations are free, painless, and take only a few minutes. Even if you aren't feeling the effects of hearing loss now, it's best to take a proactive approach.

Visit a hearing professional for an annual test today. Connect Hearing offers free evaluations, personalized expert consultations, and treatment recommendations based on your unique lifestyle and needs.

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