Hearing Loss

How to Treat Tinnitus

2020-10-23 If you’re one of the 50 million Americans who have been diagnosed with tinnitus, you probably already know there’s no one singular treatment for the issue. That’s because tinnitus isn’t actually a condition in and of itself. Rather, it is a symptom of some greater issue, such as hearing loss, cardiovascular disease or jaw deformities, like temporomandibular joint disorder.

Having an issue like tinnitus, where perceived noises like chirping, whistling, buzzing or whooshing, are present, can be frustrating. When it comes with no treatment, the frustration can easily double. While there isn’t a set cure for tinnitus, there are many treatment options that can help reduce the tinnitus or make it easier to live with.

Treatment options
After being diagnosed with tinnitus by a healthcare professional such as a primary care physician or, more likely, an audiologist, a patient will be able to begin a pathway toward recovery. The treatment depends entirely on the cause of the tinnitus. The following causes of tinnitus are treated as such:

 *  Tinnitus caused by hearing loss is usually alleviated with hearing aids. Augmenting the reception and perception of noises often provides relief from the perceived internal sound caused by the tinnitus.
 *  Tinnitus caused by ototoxic medications is often cured with a change in medication. Sometimes, other medications or drug therapies can be used to counteract the ototoxic properties of a medication. This may be an option if a patient is taking a medication that is necessary for their health and well being.
 *  Tinnitus caused by internal issues, such as blood pressure or other cardiovascular issues can be alleviated with sound therapies. Sound therapies can mask the sound to help an individual deal with tinnitus on a day to day basis.
 *  Chronic tinnitus can be dealt with using behavioral therapies. Sometimes tinnitus can crate strong, negative emotions, including depression, anxiety and ager. Patients suffering from tinnitus can learn to control such emotional reactions and have morecompassion and patience.

 *  Tinnitus caused by jaw malformations, such as TMJ can be cured by attacking the TMJ problem. Such therapies include braces, mouth pieces, head gear and other orthodontia. These therapies may be able to eliminate or drastically reduce tinnitus symptoms.

If you’re experiencing symptoms of tinnitus, schedule a visit with an audiologist in your area today. The audiologist will be able to evaluate your condition and help you select the right course of treatment if necessary.

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