Hearing Loss

4 Reasons to Choose an Audiologist

2020-11-09 Let’s be honest: Hearing devices are expensive. Who hasn’t been tempted to save money by cutting corners? After all, one hearing device is much like another – right?


Think of a hearing aid as an investment not only in your hearing health, but in your physical and mental well-being. Saving on the initial outlay may seem appealing but it is a mistake. If the device doesn’t meet all your needs, or its poorly programmed, or you are adequately tutored on how to acclimate to life with a hearing aid, then it’s likely to languish in a drawer.

So let’s take a look at four rational reasons why you should visit an audiologist.

1.Audiologists are hearing doctors
An audiologist is trained to degree level and above in hearing health. When an audiologist looks at your hearing tests results, they can spot tell-tale signs which indicate a medical problem is the root cause of your hearing loss.

An audiologist has a greater breadth of experience than a hearing aid dispenser and can help you with all sorts of issues from excess earwax to tinnitus, from hearing loss to learning expression reading.

2.Audiologists offer specialized advice
Improving your hearing isn’t as straightforward as putting a device in your ear and off you go. It takes time and technique to learn to adapt to the intrusion of noise pollution once again. All too often people are discouraged from using a device because the onslaught of noise is overwhelming.

An audiologist takes you through what to expect and puts a protocol in place to help you adapt. And if you’re still struggling, they’re there to help you along.

3.Audiologists are concerned about your experience
How is it that hearing device dispenser can sell at reduced prices?

It’s all a matter of scale! More people, more turnaround and shifting more devices while stocking fewer models.

Consider the contrast with an audiologist who prides themselves on getting to know the individual and then matching them precisely to the best device for them. There’s no pressure to suggest a certain model because the audiologist’s job is to provide quality and an exact match, rather than achieve a sales target to earn commission.

4.Audiologists continue education
Audiologists are medical professionals and duty bound by their professional governing body to keep up to date. This includes knowing about the latest research regarding hearing health, the pros and cons of a wide range of hearing devices, and new developments on the horizon.

This is especially important because in the same way smart phone technology changes rapidly, so does that of hearing aids. Keeping abreast of the latest models means better advice for you.

In short, know that the cheapest option isn’t always the most economical in the long term. When it comes to your hearing health, you get what you pay for and investing in a superior service represents good value.

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