Hearing Loss

How to Prepare for Your Hearing Test

2020-09-18 A hearing test isn’t like a college exam. You don’t have to revise or stay up until the early hours trying to cram in as much information as possible. That said, it is a good idea to be prepared. If you’ve got a hearing test coming up, here are some simple steps you can take to get ready.

Note down your medical history
Before you have a hearing test, your audiologist will ask you a series of questions about your hearing, as well as your general health and your medical history. To make life easier, it’s a great idea to note down any procedures you’ve had, any medicines you’re currently taking or have taken in the past, and any allergies you have. It’s important that your audiologist is aware of this information before they start your test and suggest potential treatment options.

Clean your ears out
Your ears have highly sophisticated self-cleaning mechanisms, but they are prone to attracting debris, and there is a risk of overproduction of earwax. Before you have a hearing test, it’s a good idea to clean your ears. To do this, avoid the temptation of using cotton buds, which can be very dangerous for your ears, and gently wipe your ears with a damp cloth instead. If you have got a lot of wax in your ears, this will become apparent when your audiologist examines your ears with an instrument called an otoscope. If excessive wax is an issue, your audiologist will suggest ways of addressing the problem.

Make a list of questions
For some people, hearing tests can be a rather daunting prospect, and for others, going into an appointment is a step into the unknown. In the heat of the moment, it’s very easy to forget all the questions that were whizzing around in your head beforehand, and this is why it’s useful to take a list of questions into the appointment with you.

Try and avoid loud noises
If you’ve got a hearing test booked, it’s wise to try and avoid noisy environments. Exposure to loud noises, for example, music at a gig, can damage your hearing. It’s best to try and stick to quiet environments for at least 12 hours before your hearing test. If you work in a noisy setting, for example, a construction site, you should use ear protection.

Reschedule if you’re under the weather
If you have a cold or the flu, or you’re struggling with sinusitis, this can impact your hearing, and it may affect the results of your hearing test. If you do come down with an illness within 48 hours of your hearing test, call your audiologist and rearrange for when you’re feeling better.

If you have a hearing test coming up, you don’t need to feel anxious, but there are a few things you can do to prepare. Note down information about your medical history, jot down some questions you want to ask, and clean your ears. It’s best to avoid having a hearing test if you’re ill and to steer clear of noisy environments for at least 12 hours before your hearing test.

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